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candle cloth

      The fashion industry is expanding. as a result of consumer demand resulting in an increase in the amount of used clothing until it becomes difficult to decompose waste bringing used clothes to be transformed into materials that can be designed into various products with an uncomplicated process to add features and add value to used clothes By using candle plating technique, it can create new properties for the material such as waterproofing for 12 hours on average, easy to clean, maintain shape and support weight well.



Standard weight:

Color Longevity :

Water resistance :

Thermal Conductivity :

Tensile Strength :

Scratch Resistance :

Clarity :

UV resistance :

Tear strength :

Glossy appearance:

Sound protection :

Hardness :

Breaking pressure resistance :

Chemical Resistance :

Environmentally friendly :

Fire resistance :

Conductivity :

nearby materials

Tan fiber
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